At Dr. Nayak’s Fertility Clinic we believe that the couple seeking treatment plays an active role in their treatment and that this is strengthened by creating an open and ethical relationship with each couple. We believe that the couple needs to understand and be well-informed. We value an environment where questions are welcome and encouraged. At Dr. Nayak’s Fertility Clinic we realize that in a developing country like India most couples have limited resources to dedicate to building a family. We further realize that it is important thus to treat couples as quickly, effectively and inexpensively as possible, making the best use of all available resources. Our main concern during the evaluation is to only conduct the tests that will give the physician clues to the cause of infertility and ultimately lead to the development of an effective treatment plan.
Dr. Nayak’s Fertility Clinic is a level 1 A clinic devoted entirely to Fertility. Dr. NAYAK’S FERTILITY CLINIC established on the 7th floor of _____Towers, Balmatta, near Collectors Gate, Balmatta, Mangalore 575002 is a specialty clinic devoted entirely to FERTILITY. The clinic area includes575002 is a specialty clinic devoted entirely to FERTILITY.
• A reception and waiting room for comfortable sitting of patients. It is furnished with a TV, Information desk, a small pantry and a small reading library.
• A consulting room with privacy for interviewing and examining male and female partners independently. The room is well equipped with an examination table and instrumentation for examining the female and the male reproductive tract. An ultrasonography machine Wipro GE Logic C5 with abdominal and vaginal probes, Color Doppler and 3D is also installed in the consulting room.
• A Semen processing laboratory with a laminar air flow for semen processing. It is also equipped with Olympus Magnus Trinocular Microscope, Trivector heating blocks, Remi centrifuge and other Lab ware.
• A Semen collection room, a well-appointed room with privacy and an appropriate environment; is located in a secluded area close to the laboratory.
• A clean room for IUI. This is a separate room with an appropriate bed, instrumentation and lights for Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI) located in close proximity to the semen processing laboratory.
•Autoclave room, is a separate area available for sterilizing and autoclaving all surgical items.